● The Bible is the word of God, written by men under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit.  The Bible is without error and trustworthy. It is our supreme authority for all matters of faith and living.

● There is one eternal God existing in three persons (Trinity). Consisting of the Father, Son (Jesus), and Holy Spirit. They are co‐equal in all ways.

● God is a personal being that is holy, righteous, loving, just, and all‐powerful.

● Due to Adam’s sin all mankind has inherited a sinful nature and is separated from God.  The fall of Adam has also completely corrupted God’s creation.

● In God’s love for mankind, He sent his only Son, Jesus Christ, to Earth where He lived a sinless and perfect life. Jesus died on the cross for payment of man’s sin(Substitionary Atonement), and He rose the third day in a resurrected body in power and victory.

● Salvation and forgiveness of sins is a gift of God received through personal faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and His redemptive work completed on the cross.  No human effort can take away our sins or make us right with God.

● Genuine conversion is exhibited in the transformed life of the Christian.  This is seen though righteous behavior and attitudes that are made possible by the power of the Holy Spirit through spiritual growth.  The Christian is to live as a light shining in a dark fallen world.

● The mission of the church is to proclaim the message of salvation to the world by word and deed. This includes helping followers of Jesus Christ grow in their faith(Discipleship).

● Prayer is the primary communication believers have with God.  God hears the believer’s prayer and answers according to His sovereign will.

● Believer’s baptism is done by complete submersion as a witness to a person’s personal profession of faith.

● The Lord’s Supper is done to remember the sacrifice of the Lord Jesus Christ for our sins.

● At death, the believer’s spirit goes directly to the presence of God in Heaven.  For the unbeliever, the spirit is separated from God’s presence in a place of punishment. A future resurrection of the body will be completed for both the saved and the lost, who will enter eternal life and eternal punishment respectively.

● The Lord Jesus Christ is coming back bodily to Earth to establish, first, His Millennial Kingdom and afterwards to rule over a New Heaven and New Earth.